校訓 志ある者は事ついに成る





Welcome to Takikawa West Senior High School.

We have been looking forward to meeting you here in Takikawa. 

We hope you enjoyed our school festival last Saturday.

“Takinishi Sai” is one of our school’s biggest events,

so we are happy we could share it with you.


  This year marks the anniversary of the relationship between our schools.

For these past ten years, many of our students have visited your school. 

Even for those who can’t visit Longmeadow,

all of our students have a chance to hear about the exchanges from their peers.

Every time we listen to their experiences,

we feel like we are visiting Longmeadow High School. 

And now our schools have officially become sister schools. 

We are sure our friendship will be much stronger than ever before. 

And we hope our friendship will continue to grow for years to come.

  Again, thank you for your coming to Takikawa. 

We hope the rest of your trip is safe.  

May we see you all again, very soon.

Thank you very much for listening.

Ryuya Abe

Representative of Student, Takikawa West High School